If you wear contact lenses or are considering switching to them in the future, it is important for you to know how to wear them in a manner that is healthy for your eyes and that will not damage your vision. Our
Skokie optometrist at Visual Eyes recommends that patients who use contact lenses visit us for contact lens examinations and fittings quite regularly. A contact lens examination is very similar to a normal, comprehensive eye exam, except that there are a few extra steps so it may take slightly longer to complete. Each contact lens exam provided by our
Skokie optometrist is made up of a series of tests. One of the most crucial tests when it comes to fitting your contact lenses correctly is the corneal topography examination. Similar to a topographical map, the cornea topography allows the specialists at Visual Eyes see which areas of your cornea are steeper and which areas are flatter. This is relevant because when you wear your contact lenses, you are placing them directly on top of your cornea, so having accurate measurements allows us to fit your contact lenses in a comfortable and healthy manner for you.
Contact Lens Exams Skokie
Another important part of the contact lens examinations at Visual Eyes is the slit lamp examination. Slit lamp examinations are part of regular comprehensive eye exams too, but it can take additional time if you are a contact lens wearer. Following the rest of the exams will be the contact lens fitting. First, our
Skokie optometrist will place diagnostic contact lenses into your eyes and then view them using the slit lamp method to evaluate their fit. This will continue until the most comfortable and effective fit is achieved. You may also choose to use your regular exams at our office as a time to discuss different options when it comes to eyewear. For example, maybe you would like to switch to daily, disposable lenses as opposed to lenses that you keep for several weeks. Our Skokie optometrist is here to answer any relevant questions that you may have, and to give an expert opinion when needed.
If you are interested in learning more about contact lens exams and fittings, or any of the other services provided by our
Skokie optometrist at Visual Eyes, we invite you to visit our practice’s website. There you can find additional information about these topics and more.
For the best eye care services in Evanston and Skokie, Illinois, visit Visual Eyes at either of their two locations at 504 Main Street or 1725 Sherman Street in Evanston. We welcome walk-ins, but recommend you call (847) 869-2020 or (847) 213-9189 for an appointment.
By Evanston Eyecare
September 20, 2013
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